Study of SPRINT PNS System demonstrates 12 months of low back pain relief following 60-day treatment

Study of SPRINT PNS System demonstrates 12 months of low back pain relief following 60-day treatment

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Sustained Pain Relief Without Opioids, Ablation, Permanent Implant or Surgery

Cleveland, Ohio- January 21, 2020- SPR Therapeutics, Inc., a leader in neurostimulation technology for pain management, today announced publication of a prospective case series regarding its SPRINT® Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) System in the treatment of low back pain (LBP) demonstrating sustained pain relief at one year following treatment in the majority of patients. The study, now published in Pain Practice, provides new and encouraging data on the potential for long-term relief of low back pain following a 60-day percutaneous PNS treatment, thereby avoiding opioids, ablation, permanent implants and surgery.“The results reported in this latest study of the SPRINT PNS system showing sustained relief of chronic LBP and disability for at least 12 months in the majority of patients highlight the potential for percutaneous PNS to obviate the need for opioids and more invasive procedures. This is consistent with previously published research assessing percutaneous PNS for other pain syndromes, where clinically significant reductions in pain and improvements in pain‐related disability were also sustained long‐term,” said Christopher Gilmore, MD, of the Carolinas Pain Institute who served as lead author of the study. “This approach has the potential to significantly influence the care continuum for chronic back pain patients by providing a minimally-invasive and short term neurostimulation treatment to patients earlier than has been previously possible.”This prospective case series study demonstrated a 63% reduction in average pain intensity at 12 months among responders in conjunction with highly significant reductions in disability.The present study demonstrated improvements in patients with LBP that are similar to those achieved in a recently published double‐blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT) assessing the efficacy of a 60-day treatment using the SPRINT PNS System in patients with chronic post-amputation pain, often regarded as one of the most difficult to treat pain conditions.All low back pain patients completing the 12‐month follow‐up visit were either satisfied or very satisfied with the pain relief they received and reported that had the SPRINT PNS System been available, they would have preferred percutaneous PNS as an earlier treatment.About the SPRINT® PNS System The SPRINT Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) System is the only percutaneous PNS device that is cleared for both chronic and acute pain, including post-operative and post-traumatic pain. The SPRINT PNS System leads are implanted by a physician during an outpatient procedure without surgery, incisions, tissue destruction or anesthesia, and are connected to a wearable stimulator that delivers stimulation for up to 60 days of therapy, after which the leads are withdrawn. In multiple studies, the SPRINT system has demonstrated significant and sustained pain relief following the 60-day treatment. Physicians have used the SPRINT system to treat post-amputation pain, inoperable joint pain, lower back pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and post-operative pain following joint replacement and surgical reconstruction (partial listing). For additional information regarding safety and efficacy visit SPR Therapeutics, Inc.SPR Therapeutics, Inc. is a privately-held medical device company headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing non-opioid, minimally invasive, treatment options that improve quality of life. The company’s SPRINT technology is the only percutaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) System cleared to treat both chronic and acute pain. More information can be found at: the full article at # # #SPR Contact:Mark StultzSenior Vice Presidentmstultz@sprtherapeutics.com612-770-0390 Media Contact:Helen ShikShik Communications LLCShikPR@sprtherapeutics.com617-510-4373   MKT-000077(01)