How it works

Will SPRINT PNS work for me?

While results vary, over 70% of patients in clinical studies reported clinically significant pain relief. Visit our clinical evidence page to view the extensive data on the SPRINT PNS System.

When will I experience pain relief?

Some patients see an improvement in their pain right away. Some patients find that pain relief takes time and gradually develops over the course of several weeks.

How long will my pain relief last?

While every patient is different and results vary, research studies found that most patients had sustained pain relief for months or more after treatment ends. Some studies followed patients for a year and a majority of patients continued to have sustained relief after treatment ends. One survey of patients found that a majority of those who responded to the treatment had sustained long-term improvements in pain and/or quality of life, including some patients 24+ months post-treatment.

How does SPRINT PNS work?

During the 60-day treatment period, the SPRINT PNS System sends tiny electrical pulses through the MicroLead placed near the target nerve. The stimulation is believed to interrupt the pain signals, boost the healthy non-pain signals, and help rebalance the information the brain receives.

Over time, stimulation of a peripheral nerve with SPRINT PNS is believed to actually change how your brain may perceive and respond to pain.


Is SPRINT PNS covered by insurance?

Many insurance companies cover SPRINT PNS. SPRcare™, a Patient Access Program for the SPRINT PNS System, can provide support to you and your physician’s staff in attempt to obtain coverage from your insurance company.

What if my insurance denies SPRINT PNS?

If your insurance does not approve your doctor’s request for authorization, you have rights to dispute this decision. There are federal laws that allow you the right to appeal the denial and request the decision to be reversed, and the right to have help navigating the appeal process. Our dedicated team at SPRcare® are your advocates when it is necessary to appeal a denial, at no cost to you. We will help you through the appropriate steps in the appeal process in an effort to obtain coverage from your insurance and allow you access to the SPRINT PNS System. The SPRcare Team includes experts trained to manage your appeal. For more information, please contact SPRcare® at sprcare@sprintpns.com or (833) 777-2884.

What to expect

How often should I change my bandage?

Your physician or a SPRINT representative will spend time with you discussing how to clean and care for the treatment area, including the lead insertion site. The bandage will typically need to be changed 1-2 times each week. If the bandage becomes soiled, damp or starts to peel, the bandage should be changed.

Are there any activity limitations?

You will need to limit activity and motion near the treatment area for 1 week following the procedure. Following the initial 7-day period, you will be able to resume most normal activities while using SPRINT PNS. Your physician will provide guidance based on your individual treatment and needs.

What risks or side effects are associated with SPRINT PNS?

The most common adverse event reported in clinical studies was skin irritation due to components being adhered to the skin (which may include inflammation, mild blistering, and/or redness). Other less-reported events included itching at the lead exit site, pain after lead placement and infection. The majority of the adverse events in clinical studies were resolved with little to no intervention within a few days, and none were classified as serious. Similar adverse events have been reported outside of clinical studies. Infections have been reported for 1-2% of patients. Serious adverse events have been rare.

It is possible that a piece of the MicroLead may remain beneath your skin following the treatment. If this happens, your physician will discuss with you whether the piece should be removed. Surgical removal of a piece of the MicroLead is rarely advised, as most instances pose little to no risk. Find full safety information here.

Can I get an MRI while using SPRINT PNS?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is not allowed on any part of the body while you are using the SPRINT PNS System. Exposure can cause tissue heating and injury or unwanted stimulation. If your physician determines that an MRI is necessary during the treatment period, the MicroLead and all other system components must be removed before the MRI. If a piece of the MicroLead remains beneath your skin after removal, it’s safe to receive an MRI under certain conditions that will be provided to you and your healthcare provider. Find MRI safety information here.