CPRA Requests

CPRA Requests

This form provides a submission process for California residents or their authorized agents to submit requests pursuant to the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). Please visit SPR's Consumer Health Data and Information Privacy Policy for additional information or contact us at data@sprpainrelief.com or 866-329-9313.  

Please complete this form and answer all questions accurately so that we may verify your identity and respond to your request as soon as possible. Thank you.

California residency

“Authorized agent” means a natural person or a business entity registered with the Secretary of State to conduct business in California that a consumer has authorized to act on their behalf subject to the requirements set forth in section 999.326.

Select the right you want to exercise

Please note that while CPRA requires companies to allow consumers to opt out of sale or sharing of personal information, this is not an activity SPR performs, and therefore is not being offered as a type of request.

Requester’s communication information

Please provide us with your full name and valid email address.  

For those submitting this request on behalf of a California resident, please provide your full name and email address in the first section below.

All communication regarding your request will take place in our secured portal. Reports in response to requests may be provided electronically via email or may be mailed to you.

Verification information

Please fill out your contact information, or the contact information of the individual you are submitting this request for (if submitting on behalf of another). All contact information should be consistent with information previously provided to SPR.



By submitting this form, under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am the individual consumer whose personal information is the subject of this request or that I am the authorized representative of the individual whose personal information is the subject of this request. The information I have provided is true, accurate, and complete, and I give my consent for SPR and its agents to use such information in responding to my request. I understand that I may be required to provide proof of my identity and if I am authorized agent, that I will be required to provide proof in writing of my status of the individual’s authorized agent and additional information to confirm my identity. I acknowledge and agree to the terms set forth above, inclusive of the terms in SPR's Consumer Health Data and Information Privacy Policy and the CPRA, as applicable. It is my intention that this electronic request to exercise a right under the CPRA shall carry the same force and effect as if I had manually signed this request.