A non-destructive and drug-free treatment option for headache and neck pain

A non-destructive and drug-free treatment option for headache and neck pain

2 min read

Dr. Samir Sheth discusses how the SPRINT® PNS System has impacted his approach to headache and neck pain

In 2021, the SPRINT PNS System received an expanded indication enabling the on-label treatment of headache and neck pain. Board-certified anesthesiologist, interventional pain specialist and SPR consultant Dr. Samir Sheth shares how he got started with the SPRINT PNS System and his experiences with occipital and cervical medial branch nerve stimulation. 

What were your early experiences with the SPRINT PNS System? 

Early on, I had been really interested in neuromodulation, and a little less so with peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS). Then about three years ago, a 35-year-old patient with multiple sclerosis and low back pain came into my office. I just didn’t feel comfortable doing a radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of her lumbar spine. Because my experience with the SPRINT PNS System has proven to be low risk, I thought it made sense to try.   

The patient did really well with the treatment. Since then, I’ve done around 300 SPRINT PNS cases on everything from shoulders and back to knees. It became something I consider very early in my treatment algorithm. In my experience, SPRINT PNS is a safe, non-destructive and low-risk, potentially high-reward option for many patients.  

What makes the SPRINT PNS System appealing for the treatment of headache and neck pain? 

Headache and neck pain can be debilitating—many of my patients have a severely impacted quality of life. It can be so difficult to treat. Many are affected by the pain in their sleep, in their work, in their day-to-day routines. So, if they can experience even a little bit of relief, it’s a really big deal.  

Read more about Dr. Sheth’s strategy to treat headache and neck pain using the SPRINT PNS System: