


“The SPRINT PNS System was a lifesaver!”


Bernadette has put a lot of wear and tear on her hips over the years. Working in retail her entire career translates into thousands of hours on her feet. She was a dancer as a young woman, and an avid skier. And a fall in 1977 injuring her tailbone only compounded things. All that activity took its toll, and for over 20 years, Bernadette experienced chronic, constant pain in her hip due to bursitis. She also has arthritis and spinal stenosis, causing back pain.

Bernadette is 72 years old, semi-retired and still works part time, as a retail merchandiser. Before experiencing the SPRINT System, she needed a shopping cart  to support herself when she walked from the parking lot into the store, the pain was so intense.

She tried many treatments over the years without relief. Bernadette saw a chiropractor for decades. She had injections and took pain killers.


Her physician, Dr. Katherine Guran at Akron General Pain and Spine Institute, suggested SPRINT PNS to Bernadette.

Dr. Guran implanted the SPRINT PNS System’s MicroLead™ in April of 2019. Bernadette states that “I walked out of the procedure pain free that day.” Since that time it has had a profound impact on her quality of life. After 60 days of treatment, the MicroLead was removed. Without the pain, she was able to significantly reduce her medications, taking only low doses of naproxen for her back pain.

Her pain continues to stay at bay. “I can walk anywhere I want to now. I no longer need to park in a handicap spot, and I don’t use a shopping cart to walk into a store.”

Bernadette hopes to take a long-anticipated trip to Scotland where she will do a lot of exploring. Until travel is possible, she will keep planning her adventure and will keep walking pain free at home.

The SPRINT PNS System is indicated for up to 60 days for: (i) Symptomatic relief of chronic, intractable pain, post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain; (ii) Symptomatic relief of post-traumatic pain; and (iii) Symptomatic relief of post-operative pain. The SPRINT PNS System is not intended to be placed in the region innervated by the cranial and facial nerves.

Each patient’s testimonial is the result of each patient’s unique situation resulting in varying responses, experiences, risks, and outcomes to the SPRINT PNS System. The patient experiences shared on this page are not medical advice and should not be substituted for the independent medical judgment of a trained healthcare professional. Discuss your options and use of the SPRINT PNS System with your medical provider. Physicians should use their best judgment when deciding when to use the SPRINT PNS System. For more information see the SPRINT PNS System IFU.

Most common side effects are skin irritation and erythema. Results may vary. Rx only.