

SPRINT® PNS; Knee Pain

“I feel good. I’m smiling again!”


Before SPRINT Moreyna, age 67, was always an athletic, active person. She ran a martial arts school where all four of her sons studied martial arts. She was also a Hawaiian dancer, pursued weight training, and worked in a Fleischman’s Yeast and Margarine plant requiring heavy lifting for 27 years. All of this activity put tremendous pressure on her knees. She developed chronic knee pain and eventually had knee replacement surgery.

Unfortunately, a short time after the knee replacement she had an additional procedure to address the scar tissue in her knee. Her nerves were damaged in that procedure, resulting in excruciating pain. Moreyna could barely touch her knee the pain was so intense.

The pain took a tremendous toll on her, and immobilized Moreyna. She could barely get out of bed every day and spent most of the day on the couch. She would not use the bathroom for as long as she could “hold it in” because it was so painful to put her foot on the ground and walk to the bathroom. She even used a wheelchair at home because it was too painful to walk even short distances. Once an “on the go” type person, Moreyna gained weight and became depressed.

Physicians prescribed creams and a TENS unit, but nothing provided relief. Moreyna declined to take opioids. She pursued physical therapy briefly, but it made the pain more intense. Because the pain was especially bad at night, she often did not sleep well. Moreyna was anxious to get relief.


Her physician, Dr. Tina Dailey described SPRINT PNS to her and because it was minimally invasive Moreyna decided to try it. “As soon as the device was turned on the pain went away immediately,” Moreyna explained. “I felt no more pain.”

Soon after getting SPRINT, Moreyna went to Virginia Beach with her son and daughter-in law. When they came to her house to pick her up, they were surprised to see her walking. “I didn’t need the wheelchair anymore. In fact, I don’t use a cane or walker or wheelchair now. I am even driving again.” Moreyna can now go to the supermarket again, which was a burden before because, in a wheelchair, she was unable to reach or see items on a high shelf. She is more independent now that she no longer has knee pain and doesn’t have to use a wheelchair to get around.

When asked to rank the pain on a scale of 0-10, 10 being the most painful, Moreyna said her pain was constantly at a 10 before getting SPRINT. During the 60-day treatment period with SPRINT, her pain was a zero. She was able to bend her knee without pain and lift herself up from the couch on her own. Neither was possible before getting SPRINT. It has now been a couple months since treatment ended. She said the pain can increase in the evening, especially after an active day. “The pain no longer makes me cry. I can tolerate the pain now because it’s much milder.”  She is also able to sleep better. She no longer sleeps in a knee brace with ice packs.

Moreyna is now able to get back to activities she enjoys. Others can see a difference in her as well. Her physical therapist greeted her recently exclaiming, “look at you” because the transformation was visible on her face and in her ability to do her exercises. Moreyna is confident that without the chronic excruciating knee pain she will be able to participate in physical therapy and regain some of her strength and mobility. “I’m confident that as I get stronger, the pain will continue to diminish. I’m determined and I will keep on fighting.”

The SPRINT PNS System is indicated for up to 60 days for: (i) Symptomatic relief of chronic, intractable pain, post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain; (ii) Symptomatic relief of post-traumatic pain; and (iii) Symptomatic relief of post-operative pain. The SPRINT PNS System is not intended to be placed in the region innervated by the cranial and facial nerves.

Each patient’s testimonial is the result of each patient’s unique situation resulting in varying responses, experiences, risks, and outcomes to the SPRINT PNS System. The patient experiences shared on this page are not medical advice and should not be substituted for the independent medical judgment of a trained healthcare professional. Discuss your options and use of the SPRINT PNS System with your medical provider. Physicians should use their best judgment when deciding when to use the SPRINT PNS System. For more information see the SPRINT PNS System IFU.

Most common side effects are skin irritation and erythema. Results may vary. Rx only.