

SPRINT® PNS; Back Pain

The Need for Relief

Toni, a married 46-year old, was an athletic trainer in college. She has worked in retail her entire career and has experienced years of overuse/abuse of her body from being on her feet extended periods of time, working in the stores (lifting, squatting, pulling, pushing) and from extensive driving. She enrolled in one of SPR’s clinical trials in October 2015. Toni used SPRINT® for four weeks, six hours a day.

“I have a lot of wear and tear on my body. My lower back and knees are shot. In my early 30’s I started to experience discomfort, especially in my lower back. I work in retail and my back often flares up when I have to drive, lift or squat at work. I am not somebody who likes to take medicine or pills, so I’ve mainly relied on chiropractors, massage or TENS devices.”

Hope With SPRINT

“The SPRINT therapy was just easy to use, it moved with my body and it was no bother.”

“My level of pain was a deep, dull ache. Every so often I would get a sharp stabbing pain in my back that would shoot down to my hip. Sometimes it would get in the way of work. I got used to living with the pain.”

“I used the SPRINT therapy in the evening and while I was asleep for a period of four weeks. I could change the intensity of the device and get it to be where the stimulation was noticeable, but didn’t hurt. It was easy to get it placed. My doctor numbed an area of skin on my lower back and inserted a small needle with a very fine wire. It was just easy to use, it moved with my body and it was no bother.”

A Lasting Impact

“SPRINT allowed me to be more active. I was a lot more active once the pain went away.”

“I walked a lot more. If you feel bad, you don’t want to go out and do things. Before I had SPRINT, I would do things such as dinner with friends and just live with the pain.”

“SPRINT is freeing, it’s very freeing, it made me feel young and carefree again.”

The SPRINT PNS System is indicated for up to 60 days for: (i) Symptomatic relief of chronic, intractable pain, post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain; (ii) Symptomatic relief of post-traumatic pain; and (iii) Symptomatic relief of post-operative pain. The SPRINT PNS System is not intended to be placed in the region innervated by the cranial and facial nerves.

Each patient’s testimonial is the result of each patient’s unique situation resulting in varying responses, experiences, risks, and outcomes to the SPRINT PNS System. The patient experiences shared on this page are not medical advice and should not be substituted for the independent medical judgment of a trained healthcare professional. Discuss your options and use of the SPRINT PNS System with your medical provider. Physicians should use their best judgment when deciding when to use the SPRINT PNS System. For more information see the SPRINT PNS System IFU.

Most common side effects are skin irritation and erythema. Results may vary. Rx only.